A software package for Probabilistic, Non-Linear, Global-Search Earthquake Location in 3D Media.
Code is stored on github, the development branches are here, or the latest stable release can be found here.
This package is written by Anthony Lomax and the NonLinLoc developers, and is distributed under the LGPL GNU Licence, Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Anthony Lomax and NonLinLoc developers.
If you use the NonLinLoc package in your work, please cite the following papers:
Lomax A., Virieux J., Volant P., Berge-Thierry C. (2000) Probabilistic Earthquake Location in 3D and Layered Models. In: Thurber C.H., Rabinowitz N. (eds) Advances in Seismic Event Location. Modern Approaches in Geophysics, vol 18. Springer, Dordrecht. <a href=”https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9536-0_5” target=”_blank”>https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9536-0_5</a>
Lomax A., Michelini A., Curtis A. (2014) Earthquake Location, Direct, Global-Search Methods. In: Meyers R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY. <a href=”https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_150-2” target=”_blank”>https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_150-2</a>
For other A. Lomax NonLinLoc publications, see http://alomax.net/pub_list.html
- 1. NonLinLoc Programs
- 1.1. Core
- 1.1.1. Vel2Grid - velocity model description to 3D model grid
- 1.1.2. Vel2Grid3D - velocity model description to 3D model grid
- 1.1.3. Grid2Time - 3D model grid to travel-time and angles grids
- 1.1.4. Time2EQ - travel-time grid to synthetic observations
- 1.1.5. NLLoc - Non-linear, earthquake location program
- 1.1.6. LocSum - combine location results
- 1.1.7. Grid2GMT - location results or 3D grid data to GMT command script
- 1.1.8. Loc2ssst - generate SSST corrections on a to 3D grid for NLLoc locations
- 1.2. Utils
- 1.3. Control
- 1.1. Core