Utilities - Miscellaneous utility programs

Utilites for format conversion between HYPOELLIPSE summary or FPFIT summary formats and NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase location format.


hypoe2hyp - fpfit2hyp - [NonLinLoc Home]



The hypoe2hyp utility converts a file containing HYPOELLIPSE hypocenter summary records to a file in NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase summary format. Optionally, the events written to output can be selected based on cutoff values for the maximum length of the condfidence ellpsiod major axis, the maximum RMS misfit, the minimum number of observation readings, or the maximum azimuth gap.


hypoe2hyp inputHypoellipseFile outputNonLinLocHypFile [EllLenMax [RMSMax [NRdgsMin [GapMax]]]]


inputHypoellipseFile (chars)
specifies the complete path and filename for an existing HYPOELLIPSE hypocenter summary file.
outputNonLinLocHypFile (chars)
specifies the complete path, filename and file extension for the output NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase summary file. The extension .hyp is reccommended.
EllLenMax (float, default=1.0e6)
maximum length of the condfidence ellpsoid major axis for event selection.
RMSMax (float, default=1.0e6)
maximum RMS misfit for event selection.
NRdgsMin (int, default=0)
minimum number of observation readings for event selection.
GapMax (int, default=360)
maximum RMS misfit for event selection.


  1. If a given event slection criteria is used, then values for all preceeding selection criteria on the comand line must also be included.
  2. Only a subset of the NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file format lines are included in the output.



The fpfit2hyp utility converts a file containing FPFIT (Reasenberg et al., 1985) focal mechanism summary records to a file in NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase summary format. Optionally, the events written to output can be selected based on cutoff values for the the maximum RMS misfit for the mechanism determination, the maximum RMS misfit for the event location, the minimum number of observation readings, or the maximum azimuth gap.


hypoe2hyp inputFPFITSumFile outputNonLinLocHypFile [MechMisfitMax [RMSMax [NRdgsMin [GapMax]]]]


inputFPFITSumFile (chars)
specifies the complete path and filename for an existing FPFIT summary file. (The extension for this file is usually .sum).
outputNonLinLocHypFile (chars)
specifies the complete path, filename and file extension for the output NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase summary file. The extension .hyp is reccommended.
MechMisfitMax (float, default=1.0e6)
maximum RMS misfit of the mechanism determination for event selection.
RMSMax (float, default=1.0e6)
maximum RMS misfit of the event location for event selection.
NRdgsMin (int, default=0)
minimum number of observation readings for event selection.
GapMax (int, default=360)
maximum RMS misfit for event selection.


  1. If a given event slection criteria is used, then values for all preceeding selection criteria on the comand line must also be included.
  2. Only a subset of the NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file format lines are included in the output.


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Anthony Lomax