NonLinLoc - Installing and Running the Sample-Location Tutorial for Local and Regional Events

(NLL Non-GLOBAL mode - rectangular coordinates)

Tutorial for the installation, running and visulaisation of the sample location problem.


Overview - Installing the sample location - Running the sample location tutorial - [NonLinLoc Home]



The following steps will lead you through the installation of files, the creation of a model grid and calculation of travel time grids, and the location and visualisation of the sample location.

Before doing the sample location, you must download and install the NonLinLoc software, and, for visualisation, the Seismogram Viewer software (see the NonLinLoc Home page). For postscript plotting, you need to have the the GMT plotting package available on your system. (Note that the sample location tar include a hidden ".gmtdefaults" file that will be installed in your sample location working directory. You may want to modify this file, but for proper functioning of Grid2GMT leave the units as "MEASURE_UNIT = cm")

Copies of some the output files you should obtain will be in the original_output/ sub-directory of the directory where you install the sample location files.


Installing the sample location

To install on a UNIX system:

    Create a working directory, i.e.:

          mkdir $HOME/NLLoc

    Copy the samples tar file to this directory, i.e.:

          cp $HOME/download/NLLVersion_samples.tar.gz $HOME/NLLoc

    where: Version is the NNloc version you are using (i.e.       NLLoc1.30_samples.tar.gz).

    Go to the working directory, i.e.:

          cd $HOME/NLLoc

    Unzip and unpack the files:

          gunzip NLLVersion_samples.tar.gz
          tar -xvf NLLVersion_samples.tar

    This will create the directory nlloc_sample/ with sub-directories:
    data_geog/     loc/     obs/     run/     viewer/     gmt/     model/     original_output/     time/
    and a hidden .gmtdefaults file.

    Examine the NonLinLoc Control file: run/, this file contains the statements used by each of the NonLinLoc programs when the sample is run.


Running the sample location tutorial

To run the sample location tutorial:

    Go to the samples directory, i.e.:

          cd $HOME/NLLoc/nlloc_sample

    Generate and view the model grid

    Create the model grid:

          Vel2Grid run/

    Create a GMT script and postscript image of the model:

          Grid2GMT run/ model/layer.P.mod gmt/ V G 1 0 1 301

    Look at the postscript with your favorite viewer, i.e.:

          gs gmt/

    Generate and view the travel-time and take-off angle grids

    Create the travel-time and take-off angle grids:

          Grid2Time run/

    Create a GMT script and postscript image of a travel-time grid:

          Grid2GMT run/ time/layer.P.AURF.time gmt/ V G 0 0 0 301

    Look at the postscript with your favorite viewer, i.e.:

          gs gmt/

    Create a GMT script and postscript image of a take-off angle grid:

          Grid2GMT run/ time/layer.P.AURF.angle gmt/ V G 0 0 0 301

    Look at the postscript with your favorite viewer, i.e.:

          gs gmt/

    Generate some synthetic arrival times

    Create the synthetic times:

          Time2EQ run/

    Look at the synthetic times:

          more obs/synth.obs

    Do the event Location

    Locate the event using the Oct-Tree search:

          NLLoc run/

    Look at the NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase location file:

          more loc/vinti.19950421.080259.grid0.loc.hyp

    Plot the first event location with GMT

    Create a GMT script and postscript image of the location PDF:

          Grid2GMT run/ loc/vinti.19950421.080259.grid0.loc gmt/ L S

    Look at the postscript with your favorite viewer, i.e.:

          gs gmt/

    Combine all event locations with LocSum

    Combine the Hypocenter-Phase and scatter files into a location summary file:

          LocSum ./run/vinti 1 loc/vinti "loc/vinti.*.*.grid0.loc"

    Plot the combined locations with GMT

    Create a GMT script and postscript image of the location Expectations and Ellipsoids:

          Grid2GMT run/ loc/vinti gmt/ L E101

    Look at the postscript with your favorite viewer, i.e.:

          gs gmt/

    Visualise the location with Seismicity Viewer (you must have installed Seismicity Viewer, see Seismicity Viewer software guide)

    Go to the viewer directory, i.e.:

          cd $HOME/NLLoc/nlloc_sample/viewer

    Run Seismicity Viewer and visualise interactively the combined locations:

          java seismicity.Seismicity ../loc/vinti.hyp


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Anthony Lomax