Voici mes notes de compilations: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to compile "NLLOC 5.0" on Mac OS X (tested on INTEL-Mac with Mac OS X 10.5.5 and XCode 3.1.1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In "nrutil.c" remove line or comment #include 2. In "Time_3d.c" remove line or comment #include 3. In "Makefile" change "BINDIR=" to (or else we get errors "ld: in bin/Grid2GMT, can't link with a main executable") BINDIR=. 4. In "Makefile": to avoid "open_memstream" errors, edit section "Custom Builds": The line should look like "GNU_SOURCE=" (and not "GNU_SOURCE=-D _GNU_SOURCE") # Custom builds # # For GNU (LINUX) uncomment this line # GNU_SOURCE=-D _GNU_SOURCE # # By Gilles / For Mac OS X uncomment the next line or else you will get "open_memstream" errors GNU_SOURCE= 4. Then compile the whole stuff in ROOT mode: #sudo make all 5. Copy all your files to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (as you whish) En esperant que cela pourrait aider qqes Mac Users :-) Bonne journee, gilles celli