SeisGram2K - Updates, New Features, Bugs

Date Description
10Mar2006 SeisGram2K v5.1.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. Multi-component analysis toolbar including covariance/coherency, polarisation analysis and vector operations
  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:
    • Header editor (see Utilities->HeaderEditor.
    • New Pick, Freq and TimeDomain analysis tools (see Help->Help-> ...).
    • View Menu option to sort traces (View-> ...)
    • Mouse wheel zooming
  3. Additional program parameters to control trace colors, print resolution, etc. (see Help->Help->Running,arguments)
  4. Improved support for reading of mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to anthony@alomax.netWARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.
  5. Improvements to 0-4 numeric error reporting in HYPO71 style pick reading and writing
Bug fixes:
  1. Fixed various bugs in mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data support.  (WARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.)
19Jan2005 SeisGram2K v5.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. Uses Java Swing graphics.  This requires that a recent version of Java is available on your system.
  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:
    • Improved file open dialog with file extension filtering (see program argument: -file.filters).
    • New Pick, Freq and TimeDomain analysis tools (see Help->Help-> ...).
    • File Menu option to save a snapshot image to a file (File->Snapshot...)
    • View Menu options to invert colors and to set greyscale colors (View-> ...)
  3. Reading and writing of picks and other header fields with SAC format data.
  4. Improved support for reading of mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to anthony@alomax.netWARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.
  5. Options to concatenate data on read (see program argument: -channel.concatenate)
  6. TauP toolkit classes are now included in the SeisGram2K jar file

Bug fixes:
  1. Fixed various bugs in mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data support.  (WARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.)
20Aug2004 SeisGram2K v4.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. SeedLink support and new SeedLink Monitor mode (see MEREDIAN Java SeedLink development)
08Sep2003 SeisGram2K v3.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. Interface improvements and new viewing options:
    • Improved print output
    • Menu option to export picks to a file (File->Export picks...)
    • Processing, URL name and other information added in the Seismogram Info window (View->Seismogram Info).
  2. Preliminary support for reading of mni-SEED and SEED format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to
  3. Options to set font style and size (see program argument: -display.font)
  4. Extension of LiveSeis to support multiple groups (see program argument: -liveseis[.M])
  5. A "monitor" mode for automatic, periodic switching between display groups (see program argument: -display.monitor)
  6. Listening for command messages from a server (see program argument: -messages.pull)
  7. Sending of a periodic "heartbeat" message to a server (see program argument: -messages.push.heartbeat)

Bug fixes:
  1. Corrected TauP default model path to correspond with conventions in latest TauP distribution (1.1.4  Apr 5,  2002)
07NOV2001 SeisGram2K v2.2.2 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. Interface improvements and new viewing options:
    • Horizontal scrollbar for adjusting time window
    • New group allignment modes allow alligning group windows to: active group, global time window, group start times, event origin times (View->Allign to...)
    • Option to lock/unlock relative group allignment during scrolling and other view transformations (View->Lock Allignment; button on viewing toolbar)
    • Option to display/hide time axes (View->Time Axes)
    • Improved trace-group selection menu
  2. Support for reading of GSE2.1 format data (see program argument: -channel.format)
  3. Automatic and user specified grouping of traces when read (see program argument: -channel.groupmode)
  4. Option to reset active trace group data to state before any processing (File->Reset Active)
  5. Trace group processing commands can be entered at the prompt in the message window (see Help->Command Line Interaction)
  6. Support for preset command macros (see program argument: -channel.groupmode; Presets menu)
  7. New Freq->Transfer menu for convolution/deconvolution of transfer funtions ( (see program argument: -channel.response.ext, -channel.response.file; Freq->Transfer menu)
  8. Adjustable cosine taper can be applied to each end of trace before FFT (see program argument: -freq.taper.percent)
  9. Improvements and additions to the picking interface
    • New pull-down menu for phase names (see program argument: -pick.phases)
    • New functions for automatic picking of maximum peak-to-peak and zero-to-peak amplitudes (see program argument: -pick.p2pmax.windowlen; see Help->Command Line Interaction->Signal measurement)
  10. Options to turn on/off system beep sound for errors and warnings (see program arguments: -display.beep.error, -display.beep.warning)
06SEP2000 SeisGram2K v2.1.0 pre-release (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:
  1. Animation and trace rendering performance improvements
  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:
    • Icon symbols and auto-repeat for trace scaling buttons
    • Improved trace-group selection menu
    • Closing of trace windows (File->Close, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)
    • Duplication of trace windows (File->Duplicate, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)
    • Display of trace header information (View->SeismogramInfo, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)
    • Display of event information (Event->EventInfo)
  3. Near-realtime data monitoring mode (LiveSeis)
  4. Saving traces to disk in SAC binary format (File->SaveAs...)
  5. Reading and displaying picks from Sac header
  6. Support for sending picks over the internet to a cgi-bin (Event->SendPicks)
01JAN2000 SeisGram2K v2.0-BETA pre-release (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)
01JUN1999 SeisGram2K v1.0 Internet Demo Page