Help - SeisGram2K v7.0.0X6

Running, arguments
Main Menubar
Mouse / Keyboard Viewing
Command Line Interaction
Viewing Toolbar
Analysis Toolbar
Pick Toolbar
Rotate Toolbar
Filter Toolbar
Frequency Toolbar
Phases Toolbar
Event Toolbar
Time Domain Toolbar
Multi Component Toolbar
Spectrogram Toolbar
Particle Motion Viewer
SeedLink Monitor


The SeisGram2K Seismogram Viewer is a Java program for interactive viewing of earthquake seismogram traces locally or over the Internet.

SeisGram2K displays one or more sets of single trace or 3-component seismograms. The viewer supports: zooming, scaling and transformation of the seismograms; rotation of horizontal component traces; time and amplitude picking; animated, 3D particle motion display; time-domain integration and differentiation; interactive spectral and spectrogram displays; frequency-domain filtering, instrument removal and other processing; and much more.

SeisGram2K is written in the Java language. SeisGram2K is available:

(1) as a stand-alone application (SeisGram2K) that runs locally and which can read data files locally or across the Internet.
SeisGram2K stand-alone will run on any type of computer which has the latest version of Java installed.

(2) as an "applet" (SeisGram2KApp) that runs over the Internet from within an HTML web page.
SeisGram2K "applet" can be used from any type of computer with Internet access, a recent web browser, and the latest version of Java installed.

SeisGram2K can be run in a "SCHOOL" mode which includes only a limited sub-set of program options. Use the program argument -mode=SCHOOL to activate this mode.
Program options indicated with (*) are not available on the SCHOOL mode of SeisGram2K.

SeisGram2K displays trace channels in one or more "trace-group" windows. Each trace-group window displays all of its traces with identical time and amplitude scales.
The time base for all trace-group windows can be aligned with the View->AlignTo menu item, and locked in alignment with the View->LockAlignment menu item or with the program argument -display.lockalignment=YES
Most viewing and processing operations act on all traces in a trace-group. A trace-group may contain one or more channels from one or more stations or instruments. For trace-groups containing an orthogonal, three-component set of channels from a unique site, the rotation of horizontal components, an animated particle motion view, and a set of multi-component analysis tools are available.

For more information see:


Running, arguments

The stand alone (SeisGram2K) version of SeisGram2K is launched from the command line on a local system. It requires the latest version of Java (, and that "SeisGram2K<version>.jar" or the path to the SeisGram2K classes is included in the CLASSPATH environment variable or in the "-cp" switch to the "java" command. For more information, consult the Java documentation or the SeisGram2K installation documentation ( -> Download and Installation).

The "applet" (SeisGram2KApp) version of SeisGram2K is launched from an HTML web page in any recent browser that has Java enabled, and requires the latest version of Java ( on your system. Consult the SeisGram2K installation documentation ( for information on installing and configuring SeisGram2KApp on a web server.

SeisGram2K is invoked with optional arguments specifying channel files and other program parameters:

Usage: java [-cp <classpath>] net.alomax.seisgram2k.SeisGram2K [-help] [[-<parameter>=<value>]...]
-help prints this usage and argument list
argument pairs (* indicates defaults):
-browser.url=<Default trace browser URL>
-bud.browser.url=<Default BUD directory browser URL><Flag", "Open BUD browser at startup (YES | NO*)>
-channel.N=<Data channel N (FileURL[#groupIndex[#inclination[#azimuth]]][[#parameter%value]...])>
-channel.binarytype=<Binary data byte order (BIG_ENDIAN* | SUN_UNIX* | LITTLE_ENDIAN | PC_INTEL)>
-channel.concatenate=<Concantenate channel on read (YES | NO*)>
-channel.format.write=<Channel data format for writing (SAC_BINARY | SG2K_ASCII | WAV | KIKUCHI)>
-channel.gapmode=<Fill gaps with last valid data value on read (YES* | NO)>
-channel.groupmode=<Channel group association mode (AUTO_HEADER* | AUTO_FILENAME,<nchar>,<pos_start>,<pos_end> | EACH_IN_OWN_GROUP | ALL_IN_SAME_GROUP)>
-channel.merge.sg2kascii=<Attempt to merge meta-data (header fields) from file <FileURL>.sg2k for each channel <FileURL> read (YES | NO*)>
-channel.response.units.before=<Units before application of response, if not specified in response file (nm*|micron|mm|cm|dm|m|volts|amps|counts)>
-channel.response.units.after=<Units after application of response, if not specified in response file (nm|micron|mm|cm|dm|m|volts|amps|counts*)>
-channel.response.ext=<Default instrument response file name extension>
-channel.response.file=<Default instrument response file name, or RDSEED_SAC_PZ for rdseed pole-zero files with default names>
-channel.response.path=<Default path to instrument response files (<data directory>*)><Append network code as subdirectory to channel.response.path (YES | NO*)>
-channel.response.type=<Default instrument response file type (POLE_ZERO* | GSE)>
-color.seis.z|y|x=<Seismogram Z or Y or X component color in R,G,B (0-255,0-255,0-255)>
-color.seis.z|y|x.grayscale=<Seismogram Z or Y or X component color for grayscale in R,G,B (0-255,0-255,0-255)><Default directory for opening data files (./)><Default directory for saving data files> (./)><Auto filename type for saving data files (INDEX* | ID )>
-display=<Show SeisGram2K main window, use NO for batch processing (YES* | NO)>
-display.align=<Group window alignment at startup (NONE* | ACTIVE | GLOBAL | START | OTIME | LAST_DATA | REALTIME)><Automatic amplitude scaling (PEAK | SMART*)>
-display.amplitude.zerocenter=<Keep zero amplitude centered for automatic amplitude scaling (YES | NO*)>
-display.analysistoolbar=<Show analysis toolbar at startup (YES* | NO)>
-display.beep.error=<Sound system beep for errors (ON* | OFF)>
-display.beep.warning=<Sound system beep for warnings (ON | OFF*)>
-display.font=<Font for trace-group display window (<size factor>, BOLD | ITALIC | PLAIN*)>
-display.greyscale=<Set colors to greyscale (YES | NO*)><Apply rendering anti-aliasing (smoothing) in trace-group window (YES | NO*)><Display trace-group id text (YES* | NO)><Display short version of group id text (YES | NO*)><Draw selection panel to the right of each group (YES* | NO)><Draw separator lines between groups (YES* | NO)>
-display.helicorder=<Helicorder mode display (YES | NO*, number of trace rows per group (24*), row length (sec) (3600*))>
-display.helicorder.cyclecolors=<Cycle colors for each trace row in helicorder mode display (YES* | NO)>
-display.invertcolors=<Set colors to inverted/reverse (YES | NO*)>
-display.lockalignment=<Lock group windows to common time base at startup (YES | NO*; YES* with seedlink)>
-display.maxvisible=<Maximum number of groups to display without scrolling (6*)>
-display.messagewindow=<Show message window at startup (YES* | NO)>
-display.monitor=<Monitor mode display (YES | NO*, number of trace rows per group, auto full window delay (sec))>
-display.position=<Main window, upper left corner position at startup as horizontal, vertical fraction of screen size (left-center*)>
-display.realtimetoolbar=<Show realtimetoolbar toolbar at startup (YES* | NO)>
-display.ring=<Ring mode display (YES | NO*, direction (-1,+1*), update interval (sec))>
-display.overlay=<Overlay group traces at startup (YES | NO*)>
-display.size=<Main window size at startup as horizontal, vertical fraction of screen size (0.75,0.75*)>
-display.sort.type=<Sort type (NONE* | ID=net-sta-instN-chan-comp-event | STA=sta-instN-chan-comp-event | DATE | GCARC | AZ | BAZ)>
-display.timeaxes=<Show group window time axes at startup (YES* | NO)>
-display.trace.comp=<Display trace component text (YES* | NO)><Display trace id text (YES* | NO)><Display short version of trace id text (YES | NO*)>
-display.viewingtoolbar=<Show viewing toolbar at startup (YES* | NO)>
-commands =<List of commands to apply after reading all channels (<command>;...)>
-commands.onread =<List of commands to apply on reading channels (<command>;...)>
-commands.preset =<List of commands for Presets menu (description1,command1a,command1b,...;...)>
-edur.coeff=<Coefficient for energy-duration calculation (1.55e10*)>
-edur.power=<Power for energy-duration calculation (1.5*)>
-edur.result=<Result type, value or pseudo Mw = 2/3(log10(value)+9.1 (VALUE* | MAGNITUDE )><Unique event identification number><Event information string, use \n for line breaks>
-event.url=<Name of remote process or URL to send picks>
-event.protocol=<Protocol for event/readings communications (NON_LIN_LOC_XML* | XML_STANDARD | CGI_BIN_EARTHWORM)>
-event.sendall=<Send all picks, otherwise send only new picks (YES* | NO)>
-file.filters=<List of filename filter substrings for Open File Dialog (<filterString1>,<description1>[;...])>
-freq.convolve.master.index=<Convolution mater reference trace index (0*)>
-freq.convolve.master.ref=<Feature on mater reference trace index to use as reference time (WINDOW_CENTER* | WINDOW_START | 0-P_max | <label>)>
-freq.convolve.type=<Convolution type (CONVOLUTION* | DECONVOLUTION)>
-freq.convolve.waterlevel=<Convolution water level in dB (-1.0*)>
-freq.rattenuation.fmax=<Maximum frequency at which to remove attenuation (10*dt*)>
-freq.spectrum.mode=<Default mode for spectrum display (LogLog* | LogLin | LinLog | LinLin | EquiLogLog)>
-freq.spectrum.type=<Default type for spectrum display (Magnitude* | Phase | Real | Imaginary | SpectralDensity)>
-freq.spectrogram.colors=<Default color scalte for spectrogram display (Rainbow* | Greyscale | Hot | Cool | Green)>
-freq.spectrogram.method=<Default filter method for spectral display (Gaussian* | Butterworth | Amplitude)>
-freq.spectrogram.maxsizefft=<Maximum size for spectrogram trace segment FFT (2048*)>
-freq.spectrogram.mode=<Default frequency axis mode for spectrogram display (LinFreq* | LogFreq)>
-freq.spectrogram.taper.percent=<Percentage cosine taper to apply to each end of spectrogram trace segments before FFT (25*)>
-freq.taper.percent=<Percentage cosine taper to apply to each end of trace before FFT (5*)>
-header.ampunits=<Set header amplitude units, overrides value in channel data file header>
-help.url=<URL for help web page, will open in external browser>
-help.html=<Generate help information in HTML format in working directory when Help->Help menu itme is selected (YES | NO*)>
-iopath=<local filesystem path for (certain) processing i/o>
-livechannel.N=<LiveSeis data channel N (FileTemplateURL[#groupIndex[#inclination[#azimuth]]])>
-liveseis[.M]=<LiveSeis [groupIndex M] (numSegments#numSegmentsDisplay#waitTime[#minPeakToPeakAmplitude[#maxPeakToPeakAmplitude[#title]]])>
-locale=<Language/locale (en_US | fr_FR | it_IT | pt_BR | tr_TR | zh)>
-mag.percentile=<Percentile robust statistics to use for preferred magnitudes, 10->10-90% (10.0*)>
-messages.pull=<Enables message pull from file/URL (MessageSourceURL, check interval (ms), maximum interval (ms))>
-messages.push.heartbeat=<Enables heartbeat message sending to file/URL (HeartbeatDestinationURL, send interval (ms))>
-mode=<Display mode (DEFAULT* | SCHOOL | ECOLE)>
-multicomp.align.sample=<Align multi-comp data by sample instead of by time (YES | NO*)>
-multicomp.polarisation.width=<Default polarization analysis window width in samples (10*)>
-multicomp.polarisation.type=<Default polarization analysis type (COHERENCY* | COVARIANCE)>
-ndecimal=<Number of decimals for display of time seconds (3*)>
-pick.cumulative.value=<Fraction f of maximum amplitude to set pick (0.95*)>
-pick.cumulative.width=<Width unc to determine cumulative pick uncertainty: difference in times where amplitude is f+unc and f-unc (0.025*)>
-pick.file=<FileURL for readings i/o>
-pick.file.autoupdate=<Check every 2 sec for updates to readings file (YES | NO*)>
-pick.format=<Format of readings file (NON_LIN_LOC* | HYPO71 )>
-pick.sorttype=<Sorting type for readings file (STA_TIME* | TIME | STATION)>
-pick.source.pickfile=<Get readings from readings file (YES* | NO)>
-pick.source.channelfiles=<Get readings from channel files (YES* | NO)>
-pick.phases=<List of phase labels for pick tool pop-up menu (onset,phase,first motion,quality,(Set);...)>
-pick.p2pmax.windowlen=<Length in seconds of sliding window, use a neg value for full trace length (0.8*)>
-pick.qual2err=<Comma separated list of pick errors in seconds corresponding to imported pick qualities 0,1,2,3,4,.. (0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,99999.9*)>
-predictedphases.file=<FileURL for predicted phases i/o>
-predictedphases.format=<Format of predicted phases file (NON_LIN_LOC_PRED*)>
-print.font.size=<Printer font size (24*)>
-print.resolution=<Printer resolution in dots per inch (150*)>
-properties=<Properties file URL>
-realtime.update=<Realtime scrolling update interval in seconds (1.0*)>
-seedlink=<SeedLink Aquisition (host1:port#stream1,stream2,...[#windowLength(sec)|yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sec-length(sec)[#minPeakToPeakAmplitude[#maxPeakToPeakAmplitude[#title[#multiplier[#commands_onread]]]]]][;host2...])>
-seedlink.backfill=<read data from now-windowLength to now to back fill view window with data (YES | NO*)>
-seedlink.clocktype=<Time source for estimating realtime base (SEEDLINK_INFO* | SYSTEM)>
-seedlink.groupchannels=<SeedLink channel group mode (YES* | NO)>
-seedlink.status.latency.limits=<Comma separated list of maximum latency times in sec for green->red panel color (t1,t2,...)>
-seedlink.status.dump=<Dump latency values to console (YES | NO*)>
-seedlink.status.dump.interval=<Min time delay in sec between dump of latency values to console (0*)>
-seedlink.status.ndecimal=<Number of decimals for display of numbers in SeedLink status panel (0*)><Show SeedLink status panel (YES* | NO)>
-seedlink.dialog.networks=<Comma separated list of network codes to display in Open SeedLink dialog>
-seedlink.dialog.stations=<Comma separated list of station codes to display in Open SeedLink dialog>
-seedlink.dialog.locations=<Comma separated list of location codes to display in Open SeedLink dialog>
-seedlink.dialog.channels=<Comma separated list of channel codes to display in Open SeedLink dialog>
-sseedlink.dialog.server_channels=<Semi-colon (;) separated list of host:port@FDSNWS_station_web_wervice_URI to display in Open SeedLink dialog>
-sound.ratefactor=<Realtime playback rate factor for sound file output (1000.0*dt*)>
-source.mechanism=<Source double-couple mechanism as phi (strike), delta (dip), lamda (rake or slip) in radians as defined in Aki & Richards Fig. 4.20 (strike,dip,rake)>
-stroke.seis=<Seismogram line (width (1.0+); type (SOLID|DASHED|DOTTED|DASHDOT)>
-taup.dist.min=<Minimin distance in degrees to active TauP/Phases for each gather (0.0*)>
-taup.firstonly=<Show only first phase of each type (YES | NO*)>
-taup.model=<TauP model name or FileURL (1066a | ak135 | alfs | herrin | iasp91* | jb | prem | pwdk | qdt | sp6)>
-taup.phases=<List of phases for TauP/Phases display (<phs1>,<phs2>,...)>
-taup.source=<Initial source time/dist for TauP/Phases display (yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sec,depth,dist,distUnits)>
-timedom.filterpick.filtw=<Default filter picker Filter Window (200*dt*)>
-timedom.filterpick.ltw=<Default filter picker Long-term Window (500*dt*)>
-timedom.filterpick.thres1=<Default filter picker Threshold 1 (10*)>
-timedom.filterpick.thres2=<Default filter picker Threshold 2 (10*)>
-timedom.filterpick.tupevt=<Default filter picker Time up event tUpEvent (20dt*)>
-timedom.peakwindow.threshold=<Default time domain peak window threshold (INF*)>
-timedom.peakwindow.width=<Default time domain peak widnow width in seconds (1.0*)>
-timedom.smooth.halfwidth=<Default time domain smoothing half-width in samples (50*)>
-timedom.smooth.type=<Default time domain smoothing type (TRIANGLE* | BOXCAR)>
-titanlivechannel.N=<TitanLive data channel N (FileTemplateURL[#gatherIndex[#inclination[#azimuth]]]>
-titanlive[.M]=<TitanLive [groupIndex M] (unused#numSegmentsDisplay#waitTime[#minPeakToPeakAmplitude[#maxPeakToPeakAmplitude[#title]]])>
-titanlive.contig=<TitanLive segments are contiguous (YES* | NO)>
-title=<Window title>
-waveserver=<Waveserver Aquisition (host1:port#stream1,stream2,...[#windowLength(sec)][;host2...]>
-waveserver.groupchannels=<Waveserver channel group mode (YES* | NO)>
-waveserver.status.latency.limits=<Comma separated list of maximum latency times in sec for green->red panel color (t1,t2,...)><Show Waveserver status panel (YES* | NO)>

The periods "." in the parameter names are optional.
The stand alone version of SeisGram2K also loads these program parameters from a defaults file named ".sg2kdefaults" or "sg2kdefaults", first from the user's home directory, then from the current directory, if either or both of these files exist. The format of an entry in a default file is:

seisgram2k.<parameter> = <value>

where <parameter> and <value> are any valid SeisGram2K name-value argument pairs listed above. A parameter specified as a command line argument will superceed the same parameter in the defaults file.

Specifying individual data channel (channel.N) parameters:

Each channel is specified by:


where FileURL is the path and filename or the Internet Uniform Resource Locator (i.e. http://<host>/<filename>) for a data channel, groupIndex (0, 1, ...) is the index of the trace-group to contain the channel, inclination (0-180 deg from vertical up) and azimuth (0 to 360 deg from North) specify the orientation of the channel and will override any orientation specified in the data file.
<parameter> is "group", "inclination", "azimuth", "multiplier", "format", "binarytype", "response", or "source" or the first 2 letters of one of these names; <value> is the corresponing numeric or string value.

If format, byte order or response file are not given in the individual channel specification, the corresponding values specified by the program parameters "channel.binarytype", "channel.format" and "channel.response" will be used.

If a group index is not given in the individual channel specification, the grouping of channels is controlled by the program parameter "channel.groupmode":
ALL - all channels are placed in a single trace-group
SINGLE - each channels is placed in a new trace-group
AUTO,<nchar> - all channels whose FileURL's differ by up to <nchar> characters are placed in a new trace-group

"source" specifies the initial source time/dist for TauP/Phases display for this trace (see "taup.source" for format)

Data files that have been compressed with gzip can be read directly by SeisGram2K, these files must have names ending in ".gz".

When SeisGram2K stand-alone is invoked from the command line, data channel arguments can be specified without the "-channelN=" prefix, and may include wild-card characters "*" and "?".

SG2K_ASCII format description:

SeisGram2K reads and writes a simple ASCII format (SG2K_ASCII format) consisting of optional header information and two columns for trace data: time from the trace beginning and amplitude. This format is useful for importing and exporting trace data to spreadsheet, plotting, analysis, or other programs.

The first and last tokens "SG2K_ASCII" and "END_SG2K_ASCII" are optional; these allow SeisGram2K to automatically identify the file format. The optional header fields are specified by tokens of the form <name>=<value>, with no white space between <name>, =, and <value>. Header tokens must be separated by white space, but the use of <newline>'s is optional. Each point of trace data is specified by a value for the time from the beginning of the trace and a value for the amplitude. Trace data values must be separated by white space, but the use of <newline>'s is optional.

Lines beginning with the character #, ! or * are ignored.

When writing SG2K_ASCII format, SeisGram2K puts all header tokens on the first line, and the pair of time/amplitude values for each data point on a separate line.

Specifying instrument response files:

The pole-zero instrument responses for a given trace is specified by the first of the following files that is found:

(1) The file specified by the "response" parameter following the data channel file URL specification "-channel.N", or
(2) The file whose name is the data channel file URL concatenated with "." and the string specified by the "channel.response.ext=" program parameter, or
(3) A file with standard rdseed naming (e.g. SAC_PZs_GE_STU_BHZ__2000. that matches the net_sta_chan_loc of the trace if "channel.response.file=RDSEED_SAC_PZ" , or
(4) A file whose name is the data channel file URL concatenated with ".pz", ".zp" or ".paz" if "channel.response.file=PAZ", or
(5) A global response file specified in the "channel.response.file=" program parameter
The response files are searched for in the directory specified by "-channel.response.path="

If "-channel.response.type=POLE_ZERO" the pole-zero response file must be in "Omega" format (see e.g. and must give the scaling to nanometers of ground displacement unless specified otherwise by the "-channel.response.units.before=" parameter.

If "-channel.response.type=GSE" the pole-zero response file must be in GSE2.0 or GSE2.1 format.

See also the paramters: "-channel.response.*"

Specifying Preset menu command (commands.preset) parameters:

The "commands.preset=" program parameter allows the customization of the Presets pull-down menu. This parameter is a semi-colon separated list of comma-separated description and command sets. Each preset command is specified by:


where description is a string describing the commands, commandN is the keyword and parameters for each command (see Help->Command Line Interaction); the commas must be present.

Setting description to "-" places a horizontal separator line in the pull-down menu.

Example1: "1Hz a-causal Highpass, hp amp n 2 co 1; 10Hz a-causal Lowpass, lp amp n 2 co 10; -; 1Hz Bwrth Highpass, hp bu n 2 co 1; 10Hz Bwrth Lowpass, lp bu n 2 co 10; WA, transfer from this to wa;"

Example2: "WA amps, transfer from this to wa, markz, markp;"

Specifying pick tool pop-up menu labels (pick.phases) parameters:

The "pick.phases=" program parameter allows the customization of the pick labels in the pick pop-up menu. This parameter is a semi-colon separated list of comma-separated label elements. Each label is specified by:

<onset>,<phase>,<first motion>,<quality>,(Set)

where all commas must be present.

If (Set) is present, then the pick is labelled and immediately registered when the pop-up item is selected. Otherwise, the pick is labelled but not registered.

Example: "i,P,c,0,(Set);i,P,d,0,(Set);e,P,c;e,P,d;e,S,,,(Set);,_CODA,,,(Set);"

(NOTE: Currently, registered picks are immediately saved to the pick file, this may be changed in the future.)

The pop-up menu is activated in Pick Tool mode by a right mouse click, or other pop-up trigger, over a trace window.

For more information see:


Main Menubar

The main menubar has various sub-menus for program and trace-group operations.

"File -> Open File..." - read trace files from local file system and display in a new trace-group

"File -> Open Web Location..." - read trace files over the Internet and display in a new trace-group

"File -> Open SeedLink..." - create a connection to a SeedLink server and display specified streams in new SeedLink Monitor trace-groups (see: SeedLink Monitor)

"File -> Open Trace Browser..." - use internal SeisGram2K browser to read trace files locally or over the Internet and display in a new trace-group

"File -> Open Bud dir..." - use internal SeisGram2K browser to read IRIS-Bud directory channel files locally or over the Internet, display in a new trace-group with automatic scrolling through files for the same channel(s) in the Bud directory

"File -> Close Active" - close the active trace-group (also available through the "X" button to the upper right of the trace-group window)

"File -> Close All" - close all trace-groups

"File -> Open LiveSeis..." - opens a LiveSeis session (LiveSeis is no longer supported in SeisGram2K)

"File -> Save Active As..." - write to disk file(s) the current time window of the active trace-group

"File -> Duplicate Active" - create a new trace-group containing the current time window of the active trace-group (also available through the "=" button to the lower right of the trace-group window)

"File -> Reset Active" - reset active trace-group data to state before any processing (the data traces are stored when the first mathematical processing action is applied)

"File -> Print" - print all trace-groups or active particle motion view

"File -> Snapshot" - saves screen snapshot of trace-groups window or active particle motion window

"File -> Export Picks" - save picks to a disk file

"File -> Exit" - exit SeisGram2K

"View -> Particle Motion" - open a particle motion view for the active trace-group

"View -> Spectrum" - open a spectral view (amplitude vs. frequency) for the selected trace in the active trace-group

"View -> Spectrogram" - open a spectral view (amplitude vs. frequency) for the selected trace in the active trace-group

"View -> Seismogram Info" - displays the header information for the active trace (also available through the "i" button to the lower right of the trace-group window)

"View -> Full Window" - toggles display of the active trace-group in the full SeisGram2K window (also accessible with a button to the right of the Viewing Toolbar)

"View -> New SG2K Window" - launches active trace-group in a new SeisGram2K window (also accessible with a button to the right of the Viewing Toolbar)

"View -> Align to..." - align time windows of all trace groups and set time windows to the same width

" ... -> Active" - align time window of all trace groups to current time window of active trace-group (gives common time base)

" ... -> Global Min->Max" - align time window of all trace groups into smallest time window containing all data from all trace groups (gives common time base)

" ... -> Start" - align time windows to start time of each trace-group (gives independent time bases)

" ... -> Origin Times" - align time windows to origin time (if available) of first seismogram in each trace-group (gives independent time bases)

" ... -> Last Data" - align time windows to last data received (LiveSeis, SeedLink, etc. monitor mode)

" ... -> Realtime" - align time windows to current realtime (LiveSeis, SeedLink, etc. monitor mode)

"View -> Lock Alignment" - toggles locking of current trace-group time alignment; when locked, the relative time window alignment of all trace groups is maintained with respect to changes the time window of the active trace-group (also accessible with a button to the right of the Viewing Toolbar)

"View -> Align Amp to..." - align amplitude range of all trace groups

" ... -> Active" - align amplitude range of all trace groups to current amplitude range of active trace-group (gives common amplitude base)

" ... -> Global" - align amplitude range of all trace groups to min/max amplitude range of all trace groups (gives common amplitude base)

" ... -> Initial" - align amplitudes of all trace groups to their initial amplitude ranges =

" ... -> Window" - align amplitude range of each trace groups to the min/max amplitude in current time window

"View -> Time Axes" - toggles display of trace-group time axes

"View -> Sort" - sort trace groups by selected header value, if value availabe for data

"View -> Viewing Toolbar" - toggles display of the Viewing Toolbar

"View -> Analysis Toolbar" - toggles display of the Analysis Toolbar

"View -> Message Window" - toggles display of the Message Window

"View -> Select Panel" - toggles display of the Selection Panel to the right of each trace-group window

"View -> Realtime Toolbar" - toggles display of the Realtime Toolbar (LiveSeis, SeedLink, etc. monitor mode)

"View -> Origin Time" - toggles display of a marker (pick) showing event origin time (if available in trace header)

"View -> Invert Colors" - toggles seismogram colors between normal and inverted/reverse

"View -> Grey Scale" - toggles seismogram colors between colored and greyscale

"View -> Anit-alias" - toggles rendering using anti-aliasing (smoothing) in trace-group window; anti-aliasing can increase CPU load significantly

"Insert -> Syntetic Trace..." - insert a new trace-group with specified synthetic trace data

"Utilities -> Language..." - change the user interface language

"Utilities -> Header Editor..." - edit the trace header meta-data

"Presets" - Preset processing commands (specified in the "commands.preset=" program parameter, see Running, arguments -> Specifying Preset menu command)

"Help -> Help" - displays this program help window

"Help -> About SeisGram2K" - displays program version and copyright information

"Help -> Update" - displays SeisGram2K update information in a browser


Mouse / Keyboard Viewing

Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse slowly over the middle trace to form a zoom window. Release the left mouse button to apply the zoom.

Changing the Time Window:
Roll the mouse wheel or click the left mouse button at two increasing times (t2 t1) to rescale the time window.

Resetting the Time Window:
Click the left mouse button at two decreasing times (t2 t1) to reset to the initial time window.

Selecting the Active Trace and Trace-Group:
Click on an inactive trace-group to select it as the active group.
Click on one of the vertical bars to the right of the traces to select the active trace and trace-group.

Active Trace and Trace-Group operations:
Click on the "X" button to the upper right of a trace-group to close it.
Click on the "i" button to the lower right of a trace-group to view the header information for the active trace.
Click on the "-_" button to the lower right of a trace-group to duplicate it.

Keyboard operations (active only when mouse focus is in a trace-group window):
Press the PageUp / PageDown buttons to change the active trace-group.
Press the UP / DOWN arrow buttons to increase / decrease the amplitude of the traces in the active trace-group
Press the LEFT / RIGHT arrow buttons to shift the time window to the left or right
Press the HOME / END increase / decrease the width of the time window for the traces in the active trace-group


Command Line Interaction

Trace group processing commands can be entered at the prompt in the message window or by using the -commands, -commands.onread, or -commands.preset program arguments on the command line or in a defaults file.

Commands consist of one or more required keywords followed by optional key/value parameters. For any key/value parameters that are not specified, the parameter values will be set to the values from any previous invocation of the command, otherwise to default values.

The command syntax is shown in brackets "[...]" in the message window when a command is invoked from the command line or through the graphical user interface.

Multiple commands can be entered on one line, the commands must be separated by a comma (,) or a semi-colon (;). Substitution with trace header values is performed for argument values prefixed with &, e.g. &dist is replaced with the numeric distance in km. Substitution is attempted first from the SeisGram2K trace header, then from the original data file header. To force substitution with header values from the original data file header, prefixed with &&, e.g. &&USER1. Substitution is case dependent.

The command syntax is similar to, but not always identical to, the SAC command syntax, when a corresponding SAC command exists.

Command Syntax:

Program actions:

quit: q

Trace group actions:

read: r

write: w

deletechannel: dc <group_index>

select: sel <group_index>

clone: clo

readpredictedphases: rpp file <fileURL> format <format_type>

funcgen: fgen IMPULSE <index_center> | SINE <freq Hz> <phase deg> [delta <dt>] [npts <num_samples>]
generates a function in a new trace-group

Time domain processing:

integrate: int

integratemaxposneg: intmpn
integrates abs val of positive and negative values separately, loads case with maximum integral into samples (use for Mwpd magnitude)

integratemaxposneg: intmpnpk
integrates abs val of positive and negative values separately, loads case with maximum integral for a single pulse into samples (use for Mwp magnitude)

differentiate: dif

removemean: rmean [lb <n_points_from_begin_to_use>] | [ref1 offset1 ref2 offset2]

removetrend: rtrend
A least squares curve fit of a straight line to the data is calculated; this straight line or trend is then subtracted from the data.

cutinmemory: cutim [ref1 offset1 ref2 offset2]
where ref1 and ref2 are time in sec from trace reference time or features on traces (B,E,O, WINDOW_CENTER, WINDOW_START, WINDOW_END or phase/pick label)for begin and end of cut; offset1 and offset2 are offsets in sec from ref1 and ref2, respectively.

smooth: smo [type TRIANGLE | BOXCAR] [ha <window_half_width_in_samples>]

square: sqr

squareroot: sqrt

log: natural logarithm

log10: logarithm base 10

normalize: norm

multiply: mul [v1] <value>

divide: div [v1] <value>

add: add [v1] <value>

subtract: sub [v1] <value>

chop: chop
chops negative parts of a trace: sets all samples with value < 0.0 to 0.0

geomspread: rgain [freq <freq>]
remove response from a trace using constant gain given frequency response function evaluated at a specified frequency

geomspread: gs
multiplies trace by P wave geometrical spreading factor (Aki & Richards, eq. 9.44). Requires that GSARC and DEPTH header variables are set
and that a TauP model is available (see Phases Toolbar and -taup.* arguments)

multlinear: mlin v1 <value_at_begin> v2 <value_at_end>

instper: iper [alpha <alpha>]
implementation of the Allen-Kanamori instantaneous-period algorithm (Allen and Kanamori (2003), The Potential for Earthquake Early Warning in Southern California, Science, 300, 786-789.)

instperwin: iperw [win <nnn>]
implementation of the instantaneous-period algorithm using the Tau_c (windowed) algorithm of Kanamori, H. (2005). Real-time seismology and earthquake damage mitigation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 33, 195–214.

zerocrossperiod: zcper
estimates the dominant signal period based on the time between successive zero crossings.

Frequency domain display:

plotspectrum: plotsp [mode LogLog | LogLin | LinLog | LinLin | EquiLogLog] [type Magnitude | Phase | Real | Imaginary | SpectralDensity]
plots spectrum of active trace with options of axes type and data mode

plotspectrogram: plotspgm [mode LinFreq* | LogFreq] [colors Rainbow | Greyscale]
plots spectrum of active trace with options of axes type and data mode

Frequency domain filtering and processing:
Note: append a plus "+" after the last command parameter to indicate that another frequency domain process follows. SG2K will then not performs the redundant inverse FFT and forward FFT between the two processes.

bandpass: bp bu|amp [n <num_poles>] [co <low_freq> <high_freq>]

highpass: hp bu|amp [n <num_poles>] [co <low_freq>]

lowpass: lp bu|amp [n <num_poles>] [co <high_freq>]

gaussian: gau [fcent <cent_freq>] [alpha <alpha>]

integrate: fint

differentiate: fdif

hilbert: hil

envelope: env
attenuation: ratt
removes frequency dependent attenuation using t* along ray path. Requires that GSARC and DEPTH header variables are set
and that a TauP model is available (see Phases Toolbar and -taup.* arguments)
see also program argument freq.rattenuation.fmax

transfer: trans [from <response>] [to <response>] [freq <f0> <f1> <f2> <f3>]

convolve: con [master <index>] [type CONVOLUTION | DECONVOLUTION] [ref <masterRefTime>] [wa <waterLevel>]

Signal measurement:

markptop: markp
find and set picks for maximum peak-to-peak amplitude in a sliding window of width 0.8 sec

markztop: markz [id <id>]
find and set pick for maximum zero-to-peak amplitude on active trace, pick name is O-Pmax or <id> if present

markfeature: markf ref <ref> [offset <offset> id <id>]
find and set pick for amplitude at specified offset in seconds from specified reference feature (use exact string or regular-expression for names of existing picks), mark pick name is <id>_<ref>

marklinepiv: marklp [id <pivotID>] [de <linePivotDelay>] [val <linePivotDistanceLimit>] [wi <linePivotErrorWidth>]
find and set pick for pivot point of curve.

markbox: markb [id1 <boxID1>] [id1 <boxID2>]
set picks for maximum peak-to-peak amplitude in a sliding window of width 0.8 sec

peakwindow: pkwin [wi <window_width>] [me <measurement_step>] [thres <threshold>]
set picks if peak amplitude in window of width window_width sec is greater than threshold, checking every measurement_step sec.

peakext: pkext [np <max_number_peaks>] [ma <min_amplitude>] [ndev <num_std_dev_for_error_estimate]
find and set pick for one or more peaks on active trace, if minAmplitude is set, only peaks with amplitude >= minAmplitude * maximumPeakAmplitude will be picked, if ndev is set uncertainty is set from time width from peak to last previous sample where amplitude = exp(-0.5 * sdev)

stalta: sla [stw <short_term_window_len] [ltw <long_term_window_len>] [ra <trigger_ratio>] [dir FORWARD | BACKWARD] [result PICKS | TRIGGERS | STA/LTA]
implementation of a basic STA/LTA picker.
see Pick Toolbar -> Sta/Lta Tool for details

bkpick: bkp [ltw <long_term_window_len>] [thres1 <threshold_1] [thres2 <threshold_2>] [tupevt <time_up_event>] [tdnmax <time_down_max>] [dir FORWARD | BACKWARD] [result PICKS | TRIGGERS | CHAR_FUNC]
implementation of the Baer-Kradolfer picker (Baer, M., and U. Kradolfer (1987), An automatic phase picker for local and teleseismic events. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 77, 1437-1445.)
long_term_window_len sets length of window in seconds for cumulation of mean and std-dev statistics (in original Bear-Kradolfer formulation, statistics are cumulated from beginning of trace)
see Pick Toolbar -> BK Picker for details

filterpick_5: filp_5 [filtw <filter_window_len>] [ltw <long_term_window_len>] [thres1 <threshold_1] [thres2 <threshold_2>] [tupevt <time_up_event>] [result PICKS | TRIGGERS | CHAR_FUNC]
implementation of the FilterPicker (A. Lomax, C. Satriano and M. Vassallo (2012), Automatic picker developments and optimization: FilterPicker - a robust, broadband picker for real-time seismic monitoring and earthquake early-warning, Seism. Res. Lett. , 83, 531-540, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.83.3.531.)
see Pick Toolbar -> FP5 for details

Viewing Toolbar

The upper toolbar allows adjustment of the active trace-group time and amplitude windows.

"++ + - --" - increase or decrease the amplitude of the traces in the active trace-group

"|><| |<>|" - decrease or increase the width of the time window for the traces in the active trace-group

"<< < > >>" - shift the time window to the left or right

"Initialize" - reset to the initial time/amplitude window

"Previous" - reset to the previous time/amplitude window

"Overlap / Separate" - overlap or separate the traces in a multi-trace-group

[Global Alignment] button - align time window of all trace groups into smallest time window containing all data from all trace groups (gives common time base) (see: Main Menubar -> View -> Align to -> Global Min->Max)

[Lock Alignment] button - toggles locking of current trace-group time alignment (see: Main Menubar -> View -> Lock Alignment)

[Align Amplitude to Window] button - align amplitude range of each trace groups to the min/max amplitude in current time window (see: Main Menubar -> Align Amp to -> Window)

[Full Window] button - toggles display of the active trace in the full SeisGram2K window (see: Main Menubar -> View -> Full Window)

[SG2K] button - launches active trace-group in a new SeisGram2K window (see: Main Menubar -> View -> New SG2K Window)

[Reset Active] button - reset active trace-group data to state before any processing (see: Main Menubar -> File -> Reset Active)

[Local Travel-times] button - display active trace in travel-time graph for local events (flat-layered Earth model)

[Global Travel-times] button - display active trace in travel-time graph for teleseismic events (spherical Earth model)

[Phase Arrivals] button - display theoretical phase arrivals as markers (picks) (see: Analysis Toolbar -> Phases...)


Analysis Toolbar

The middle toolbar presents analysis tools and time domain processing options for the active trace-group. When a tool is selected a toolbar menu is displayed. The analysis tool that are available depend on the display mode (DEFAULT, SCHOOL, etc). Toolbars indicated with (*) are not available on the SCHOOL mode of SeisGram2K.

"Pick..." Toolbar - get time and amplitude values and make picks

"Rotate..." Toolbar (*) - rotate the horizontal components (trace-groups with 3 components only)

"Filter..." Toolbar - frequency domain filtering of traces

"Freq..." Toolbar (*) - frequency domain processing of traces

"Phases..." Toolbar (*) - display theoretical phase arrivals as markers (picks) over traces

"Event..." Toolbar (*) - event analysis options

"Time Domain..." - advanced time domain processing of traces

"Multi Comp..." - mulit-component and vector processing of traces

"Spectrogram..." - spectrogram display options

"RemoveMean" (*) - calculate and remove the mean value of each trace

"Integrate" (*) - integrate each trace in time domain

"Differentiate" (*) - differentiate each trace in time domain

"Spectrum" - calculate and display interactive spectrum for active trace

"Spectrogram" - calculate and display interactive spectrogram for active trace

"RemoveGain" - remove gain by dividing amplitudes by sensitivity if available in trace header or response file


Pick Toolbar

Display time and amplitude values and make picks for the active trace.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse horizontally to move the pick cursor.

Drag the mouse vertically to change the pick uncertainty (*).

Press the right mouse button to activate pop-up menu for registering the pick or setting the pick label.

Press the left mouse button over an existing pick label to re-activate and remove or edit an existing pick.

(NOTE: Saved or modified picks are immediately saved to the pick file.)

"Clear" - clear the selections for the current pick

"e i" (*) - select onset (e = emergent; i = impulsive)

"P S CODA ..." - select reading name (P, S, CODA, ...), or enter name

"c d" (*) - select first motion (c = compression or up; d = dilatation or down)

"0 1 2 3 4" (*) - select quality (0 = best, max weight; 4 = worst, zero weight)

"Set" - register the current pick time, amplitude and label, and save to file (if a pick file is open)

"DelAll" - remove all picks for active trace-group and delete from file (if a pick file is open)

"DelPrevious" - remove previously set pick for active trace-group and delete from file (if a pick file is open)

"0-P_max" - auto pick of point on seismogram with maximum 0 - peak amplitude difference

"P-P_max" - auto pick of point on seismogram with maximum peak - peak amplitude difference

"PeakWin" - convert each trace to absolute value of peak amplitude in sliding window of specified half-width before each data point

"Sta/Lta Tool" - apply a basic STA/LTA picker to all traces in active trace-group

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"ST Window: <nnn>" - short term average window width (seconds)

"LT Window: <nnn>" - long term average window width (seconds)

"Trigger Ratio: <nnn>" - trigger ratio - value of STA/LTA to declare a trigger

"Direction: FORWARD | BACKWARD" - processing direction in time

"Result: PICKS | TRIGGERS | STA/LTA" - display results as new SeisGram2K picks on existing traces, or as new trace showing triggers or STA/LTA ratio

"BK Picker" - apply a Baer-Kradolfer picker to all traces in active trace-group

(M. Baer and U. Kradolfer, (1987), An automatic phase picker for local and teleseismic events Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 77(4):1437-1445)

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"Threshold1: <nnn>" - Threshold1 value from Baer and Kradolfer, 1987

"Threshold2: <nnn>" - Threshold2 value from Baer and Kradolfer, 1987

"tUpEvent: <nnn>" - tUpEvent value from Baer and Kradolfer, 1987

"tDownMax: <nnn>" - tDownMax value from Baer and Kradolfer, 1987

"Direction: FORWARD | BACKWARD" - processing direction in time

"Result: PICKS | CHAR_FUNC | TRIGGERS" - display results as new SeisGram2K picks on existing traces, or as new trace showing characteristic function values or triggers

"FP5" - apply Filter Picker to all traces in active trace-group

(A. Lomax, C. Satriano and M. Vassallo (2012), Automatic picker developments and optimization: FilterPicker - a robust, broadband picker for real-time seismic monitoring and earthquake early-warning, Seism. Res. Lett. , 83, 531-540, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.83.3.531.)

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"FiltWin: <nnn>" - Filter Window value from Lomax et al., 2012

"LTWin: <nnn>" - Long-Term Window value from Lomax et al., 2012

"Thres1: <nnn>" - Threshold1 value from Lomax et al., 2012

"Thres2: <nnn>" - Threshold2 value from Lomax et al., 2012

"tUpEvent: <nnn>" - tUpEvent value from Lomax et al., 2012

"Result: PICKS | CHAR_FUNC | TRIGGERS" - display results as new SeisGram2K picks on existing traces, or as new trace showing characteristic function values or triggers

"Cumul" - auto pick of first point where amplitude is fraction f of maximum value; see pick.cumulative parameters

Peak Extractor tool: find and set pick for one or more peaks on active trace

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"Max Num Peaks: <nnn>" - only first <<nnn>> peaks with largest amplitude will be picked

"Min Amplitude: minAmplitude" - only peaks with amplitude >= minAmplitude * maximumPeakAmplitude will be picked


Rotate Toolbar

Rotate the horizontal components (*) (3 component seismograms only)

"Angle: <nnn>" - displays current rotation angle (° clockwise form North), and accepts input of a new angle

"-10° -1° +1° +10°" - rotate +/-1° or +/-10°


Filter Toolbar

Frequency domain filtering of traces (*)

"Butterworth" - Butterworth filter tool

"Amplitude" - Zero-phase filter tool

"Gaussian" - Gaussian filter tool

Butterworth filter tool: Butterworth band-pass filtering of traces

"Apply" - apply the filter with the current filter settings

"Low Freq: <nnn>" - displays low frequency corner (Hz), and accepts input of a new value

"High Freq: <nnn>" - displays high frequency corner (Hz), and accepts input of a new value

"Num Poles: <nnn>" - displays number of filter poles, and accepts input of a new value

Amplitude filter tool: Zero-phase band-pass filtering of traces

"Apply" - apply the filter with the current filter settings

"Low Freq: <nnn>" - displays low frequency corner (Hz), and accepts input of a new value

"High Freq: <nnn>" - displays high frequency corner (Hz), and accepts input of a new value

"Num Poles: <nnn>" - displays number of filter poles, and accepts input of a new value

Gaussian filter tool: Gaussian band-pass filtering of traces (*)

"Apply" - apply the filter with the current filter settings

"Cent Freq: <nnn>" - displays filter center frequency (Hz), and accepts input of a new value

"Alpha: <nnn>" - displays filter alpha (decay) value, and accepts input of a new value


Frequency Toolbar

Frequency domain processing and filtering of traces (*)

"Spectrum" - calculate and display interactive spectrum for active trace

"Spectrogram" - calculate and display interactive spectrogram for active trace

"Integrate" - frequency domain integration

"Differentiate" - frequency domain differentiation

"Hilbert" - frequency domain Hilbert transform

"Envelope" - frequency domain envelope calculation

"RemAttenuation" - frequency domain attenuation removal, uses current taup model, header gcarc and source depth values,

and Eqs. 6.85-6 in Shearer, P., 1999. Introduction to Seismology, 260 pp., Cambridge University Press, New York.

"Transfer" - transfer function tool

"Convolve" - convolution tool

Transfer tool - frequency domain removal and addition of response functions

"from: <response type>" - response type to deconvolve from data

"to: <response type>" - response type to convolve with from data

"freq: <f0> <f1> <f2> <f3>" - frequency limits (1/sec) for linear ramp high pass (f0 to f1) and linear ramp low pass (from f2 to f3) filter

Convolve tool - frequency domain convolution and deconvolution

"Master Index: <nnn>" - trace-group index for master trace to be convolved or deconvolved from active trace-group, NOTE: master trace is set to first trace in trace-group

"Type: CONVOLUTION | DECONVOLUTION" - action type, convolve or deconvolve master trace from active group trace(s)

"Master Ref Time: WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_START | O-P_MAX | <feature name>" - feature to be set to reference time (t=0) on master trace(s)

"Water Level (dB): <level>" - water level in dB, -1 for none (for deconvolution, complex denominator values with a magnitude less than Amin = <level> dB below the maximum denominator magnitude are replaced by a complex "water level" value with a magnitude of Amin and the same phase as the original denominator)


Phases Toolbar

Display predicted phase travel-times over traces using TauP Toolkit (*)

Requires that TauP Toolkit classes are available and accessible, and that a TauP model file is accessible (the TauP Toolkit classes and documentation can be obtained at

Hold down keyboard "Shift" button for larger adjustment step size.

"To: nn <> h nn <> m <nnn> <> s" - set or adjust event origin time

"D: nn <> deg/km" - set or adjust epicentral distance in deg or km

"h: nn <>" - set or adjust event depth in kilometers (step=5km if dist in deg; step=1km if dist in km)

"Options" - activate phase travel-times Options Dialog

"Options -> Phase List" - comma separated list of phases to display

"Options -> Distance Units" - choose deg or km units for epicentral distance

"Options -> Fix" - choose fixing of first arrival time or of origin time when distance is changed

"SaveAsPicks" - convert predicted phases to SeisGram2K picks and write to pick file

"->Synthetic" - (under development!) convert predicted phases to synthetic, P and SV, impulse response traces,

uses current taup model, header gcarc, source and station depth values,

optional mechanism specified by "source.mechanism" parameter

"RayInfo" - prints travel-time, length and maximum depth of rays from source to station for each predicted phase


Event Toolbar

Event analysis and procesing options

Requires that event information is available (see "event.*" program parameters).

"EventInfo" - display event info window (from "" program parameter)

"SendPicks" - send picks to a remote process or URL (requires valid "", "event.url=" and "event.protocol=" program parameters)


Time Domain Toolbar

TimeDomain analysis and processing options

"RemTrend" - least squares fit of a straight line to the data is subtracted from the data

"Smoothing" - time domain smoothing tool

"Half Width: <nnn>" - filter half-width in seconds

"Type: BOXCAR | TRIANGLE" - filter shape

"Moments" - apply higher order moments of time-series values in sliding window

"Width: <nnn>" - moment window width in seconds

"Type: KURTOSIS" - moment type

"Square" - square each amplitude value

"Normalize" - scalte the ammplitudes so that the absolute value of the maximum amplitude is 1.0

"ChopNegatve" - set all negative amplitude values to 0.0

"GeomSpread" - multiplies trace by P wave geometrical spreading factor (Aki & Richards, eq. 9.44). Requires that GSARC and DEPTH header variables are set

InstPer (Tau_p) tool: calculate instantaneous period using the Tau_p (smothing) algorithm of Allen, R.M., and H. Kanamori, The Potential for Earthquake Early Warning in Southern California, Science, 300 (5620), 786-789, 2003.

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"Alpha: <nnn>" - smoothing constant (seconds)

InstPer (Tau_c) tool: calculate instantaneous period using the Tau_c (windowed) algorithm of Kanamori, H. (2005). Real-time seismology and earthquake damage mitigation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 33, 195–214.

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"Window: <nnn>" - window width (seconds)


Multi Component Toolbar

Multi-component and vector analysis and processing options

"Magnitude" - calculate vectorial magnitude using all components, i.e. sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)

"Angles" - calculates azimuth and dip of particle motion (3-comp xyz groups)

Polarisation Tool: eigenvalue polarisation analysis using real covariance matrix (COVARIANCE) or complex, analytic covariance matrix (COHERENCY)

"Apply" - calculate with the current settings

"Window: <nnn>" - sliding analysis window width in samples

"Type: COVARIANCE | COHERENCY" - algorithm type : real covariance matrix (COVARIANCE) or complex, analytic covariance matrix (COHERENCY)

"Other Index: <nnn>" - index of other group for following operations

"Multiply" - multiplication of like components this with other group : (x1*x2, y1*y2, z1*z2)

"Divide" - division of like components this with other group : (x1/x2, y1/y2, z1/z2)

"Add" - sum of like components this with other group : (x1+x2, y1+y2, z1+z2)

"Subtract" - calculates azimuth and dip of particle motion (3-comp xyz groups)

"Dot Product" - vector dot product of active with other group

"Cross Product" - vector cross product of active with other group

"Sum All" - sum of like components of all other group into this groupd: (sum(x), sum(y), Sum(z))


Spectrogram Toolbar

Spectrogram display and processing options

"Colors" - set color palette

"Mode" - set frequency axis display mode

"Method" - set bandpass filter type

"Type: Gaussian | Butterworth | Amplitude" - filter type : Gaussian (a-causal, balances freq-time error), Butterworth (causal), Amplitude (a-causal)


Particle Motion Viewer

Display particle motion for current time window of active display trace-group (*) (3 component seismograms only)

"View" sub-menu:

"Zoom In" - zoom in towards center of view

"Zoom Out" - zoom out away from center of view

"Persp/Ortho" - toggle between perspective and orthographic projections

"Reset" - reset view to the initial state

"View from" sub-menu:

"Above" - view from above (downwards, along -Z direction)

"Below" - view from below (upwards, along +Z direction)

"South" - view from South (towards North)

"North" - view from North (towards South)

"East" - view from East (towards West)

"West" - view from West (towards East)

"Sample" sub-menu:

"Pick +" - highlight sample at current pick cursor location

"First |<" - highlight first sample in current trace window

"Prev .<" - highlight previous sample

"Next >." - highlight next sample

"Last >|" - highlight last sample in current trace window

"All |-|" - highlight all samples in current trace window

"Animation" sub-menu:

"< >" - animate particle motion in backwards or forwards time

"||" - pause animation

"- +" - decrease or increase animate rate


SeedLink Monitor

Near-realtime display of seismograms from a SeedLink Server

In SeedLink Monitor mode SeisGram2K connects to one or more SeedLink servers, requests one or more data streams, and appends and displays new data packets as they are received in near-realtime. A status panel to the left of each trace-group show the data (Lf) and feed (Lf) latency with configurable colors for differnt latency time limits.

SeedLink is a part of the SeisComP package; for more information see What is SeisComP (

SeisGram2K SeedLink Monitor mode and associated software development is supported by: MEREDIAN - European Union Project (EVR1-CT-2000-4007)