SeisGram2K - Updates, New Features, Bugs




SeisGram2K v7.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Added interactive, spectrogram display

  2. Added helicorder display

  3. Added interactive, travel-time display with trace overlay

  4. Miscellaneous changes and improvements to graphical user interface

  5. Added Chinese translations

  6. Distribution SeisGram2K*.jar files are digitally code-signed for enhanced security.

Bug fixes:

  1. Miscellaneous bug fixes to graphical user interface


SeisGram2K v6.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Added Portuguese and Turkish translations

  2. Amplitude alignment to window maximum (see View->Align Amp to, and "Align Amp to window" button)

  3. New picker FilterPicker FP5

  4. Miscellaneous changes and improvements to graphical user interface

Bug fixes:

  1. Miscellaneous bug fixes to SeedLink Monitor data connection, streaming and display

  2. Miscellaneous bug fixes to data formats and instrument response file handling


SeisGram2K v5.3 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Simple spectral display “PlotSpectral”

  2. Gain removal (if instrument response file available) “RemoveGain”

  3. Improvements to SeedLink Monitor mode

  4. Synthetic trace generator (see Insert->SyntheticTrace)

  5. Amplitude alignment function (see View->Align Amp to)

  6. Internal browser for opening trace trace files on a web server (see File->OpenTraceBrowser and program parameter browser.url)

  7. Miscellaneous changes and improvements to graphical user interface

Bug fixes:

  1. Added SEED-type sensor location to channel identification

  2. Miscellaneous bug fixes to data formats and instrument response file handling


SeisGram2K v5.1.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Multi-component analysis toolbar including covariance/coherency, polarisation analysis and vector operations

  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:

    • Header editor (see Utilities->HeaderEditor.

  3. New Pick, Freq and TimeDomain analysis tools (see Help->Help-> ...).

  4. View Menu option to sort traces (View-> ...)

  5. Mouse wheel zooming

  6. Additional program parameters to control trace colors, print resolution, etc. (see Help->Help->Running,arguments)

  7. Improved support for reading of mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to anthony@alomax.netWARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.

  8. Improvements to 0-4 numeric error reporting in HYPO71 style pick reading and writing

Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed various bugs in mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data support.  (WARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.)


SeisGram2K v5.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Uses Java Swing graphics.  This requires that a recent version of Java is available on your system.

  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:

    • Improved file open dialog with file extension filtering (see program argument: -file.filters).

  3. New Pick, Freq and TimeDomain analysis tools (see Help->Help-> ...).

  4. File Menu option to save a snapshot image to a file (File->Snapshot...)

  5. View Menu options to invert colors and to set greyscale colors (View-> ...)

  6. Reading and writing of picks and other header fields with SAC format data.

  7. Improved support for reading of mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to anthony@alomax.netWARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.

  8. Options to concatenate data on read (see program argument: -channel.concatenate)

  9. TauP toolkit classes are now included in the SeisGram2K jar file

Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed various bugs in mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN format data support.  (WARNING: The mni-SEED, SEED and TITAN volume-based formats are complex; always check for correct reading and timing of data from these formats.)


SeisGram2K v4.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. SeedLink support and new SeedLink Monitor mode (see MEREDIAN Java SeedLink development)


SeisGram2K v3.0.0 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Interface improvements and new viewing options:

    • Improved print output

  2. Menu option to export picks to a file (File->Export picks...)

  3. Processing, URL name and other information added in the Seismogram Info window (View->Seismogram Info).

  4. Preliminary support for reading of mni-SEED and SEED format data (see program argument: -channel.format)  (Please report any problems to

  5. Options to set font style and size (see program argument: -display.font)

  6. Extension of LiveSeis to support multiple groups (see program argument: -liveseis[.M])

  7. A "monitor" mode for automatic, periodic switching between display groups (see program argument: -display.monitor)

  8. Listening for command messages from a server (see program argument: -messages.pull)

  9. Sending of a periodic "heartbeat" message to a server (see program argument: -messages.push.heartbeat)

Bug fixes:

  1. Corrected TauP default model path to correspond with conventions in latest TauP distribution (1.1.4  Apr 5,  2002)


SeisGram2K v2.2.2 (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Interface improvements and new viewing options:

    • Horizontal scrollbar for adjusting time window

  2. New group allignment modes allow alligning group windows to: active group, global time window, group start times, event origin times (View->Allign to...)

  3. Option to lock/unlock relative group allignment during scrolling and other view transformations (View->Lock Allignment; button on viewing toolbar)

  4. Option to display/hide time axes (View->Time Axes)

  5. Improved trace-group selection menu

  6. Support for reading of GSE2.1 format data (see program argument: -channel.format)

  7. Automatic and user specified grouping of traces when read (see program argument: -channel.groupmode)

  8. Option to reset active trace group data to state before any processing (File->Reset Active)

  9. Trace group processing commands can be entered at the prompt in the message window (see Help->Command Line Interaction)

  10. Support for preset command macros (see program argument: -channel.groupmode; Presets menu)

  11. New Freq->Transfer menu for convolution/deconvolution of transfer funtions ( (see program argument: -channel.response.ext, -channel.response.file; Freq->Transfer menu)

  12. Adjustable cosine taper can be applied to each end of trace before FFT (see program argument: -freq.taper.percent)

  13. Improvements and additions to the picking interface

    • New pull-down menu for phase names (see program argument: -pick.phases)

  14. New functions for automatic picking of maximum peak-to-peak and zero-to-peak amplitudes (see program argument: -pick.p2pmax.windowlen; see Help->Command Line Interaction->Signal measurement)

  15. Options to turn on/off system beep sound for errors and warnings (see program arguments: -display.beep.error, -display.beep.warning)


SeisGram2K v2.1.0 pre-release (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)

New Features:

  1. Animation and trace rendering performance improvements

  2. Interface improvements and new viewing options:

    • Icon symbols and auto-repeat for trace scaling buttons

  3. Improved trace-group selection menu

  4. Closing of trace windows (File->Close, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)

  5. Duplication of trace windows (File->Duplicate, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)

  6. Display of trace header information (View->SeismogramInfo, or icon button on trace-group selection menu)

  7. Display of event information (Event->EventInfo)

  8. Near-realtime data monitoring mode (LiveSeis)

  9. Saving traces to disk in SAC binary format (File->SaveAs...)

  10. Reading and displaying picks from Sac header

  11. Support for sending picks over the internet to a cgi-bin (Event->SendPicks)


SeisGram2K v2.0-BETA pre-release (New version of the SeisGram2K software.)


SeisGram2K v1.0 Internet Demo Page